Course curriculum

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    Welcome to Circular Start - Integration!

    • About this course

    • Integration - Overview

    • Supporting Resources

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    Unit 1 - What is a circular value chain?

    • Value chain vs. circular value chain

    • Circular value network

    • Video and interview about an inspiring example: Net-Works

    • Reflection on value chain mapping

    • Benefits of circular value chains and networks

    • Video about Teemill

    • Archetypes of supply chains and loops

    • Video about closed supply loops

    • Reflection of different loop archetypes

    • Key Takeaways

    • Recommended Resources

    • References Unit 1

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    Unit 2 - Analysing the circularity of your value chain

    • Key activities and steps

    • ECOCANVAS Toolkit v2.0 - Tool D1

    • Reflection on key activities and steps

    • Key resource flows of your operations

    • ECOCANVAS Toolkit v2.0 - Tool D2

    • Reflection on the resource flows of your operation

    • Opportunities for resource value creation

    • ECOCANVAS Toolkit v2.0 - Tool E

    • Circular Business Model Design Guide

    • Reflection on opportunities for value creation

    • Key Takeaways

    • References Unit 2

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    Unit 3 - Circular value strategies

    • Introduction to the main strategies

    • Take back management

    • Case Study: PwC

    • Videos about take back management strategies

    • Industrial Symbiosis

    • Videos about industrial symbiosis

    • Sharing Platforms

    • Video about RHEAPLY - Connecting people with things

    • Case Study: Floow2 Business to Business Asset Sharing

    • Virtualization and digitization

    • Case Study: Netflix

    • Cooperation with customers

    • Video about Novelis

    • Proximity approach

    • Reflection on the different value chain strategies

    • Key Takeaways

    • Recommended Resources

    • References Unit 3

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    Unit 4 - Which are the key activities that make your value chain circular?

    • Circular design strategies

    • Video about circular design

    • Reflection on circular design strategies

    • Link between circular design and circular business strategies

    • Video about Ikea and circular design

    • Case studies on circular design

    • CE Designer Tool

    • Online Tool: Link to the CE Designer

    • Circular materials and processes - Introduction

    • Reflection on the introduction of circular materials and processes

    • Circular processes

    • Video of an innovative project

    • Circular materials

    • Videos of innovative projects

    • Reflection on materials and processes

    • Key Takeaways

    • Recommended Resources

    • References Unit 4

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    Unit 5 - Reverse logistics as a key element for circular value chains

    • Keys to reverse logistics

    • Videos about reverse logistics

    • Case Study: HP and Sinctronics

    • Reverse logistics infrastructure

    • Reflection about reverse logistics

    • Reverse logistics archetypes

    • Case Study: Reverse logistics for electronics

    • Case Study: Reverse logistics in the textile sector

    • Reflection about the reverse logistics archetypes

    • Key Takeaways

    • Recommended Resources

    • References Unit 5

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    Unit 6 - Mapping and involving stakeholders in your circular value chain

    • Multi-stakeholder partnerships in a circular co-creation network

    • Roles and capabilities in a circular value chain

    • Reflection on relevant stakeholders

    • Enablers and barriers for a circular value network

    • Videos about collaborating partnerships

    • Stakeholders mapping and prioritisation

    • Reflection on mapping and prioritising stakeholders

    • Partnership management and stakeholders involvement

    • Key Takeaways

    • Recommended Resources

    • References Unit 6

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    Unit 7 - Defining Circular Business Model Canvas elements

    • Introduction

    • Key activities

    • Fill in the canvas: "Key activities" element

    • Key partners

    • Fill in the canvas: "Key partners" element

    • Key resources

    • Fill in the canvas: "Key resources" element

    • Channels

    • Fill in the canvas: "Channels" element

    • Customer relationships

    • Fill in the canvas: "Customer relationships" element

    • Key Takeaways

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    Final Quiz

    • Test your knowledge about Integration!